connections once more...
One setback I have discovered with this phone or the mobileprogrammes or whatever: I wrote the two last posts about Serifos on the new Nokia mobile with camera and video. The publishing-function did not work through the phone. That is why I am now sitting in the Malabar behind the billiard-table writing this on the only public internet-connected computer on the island. The posts were there as drafts but I had to go in here on the blogger-site and publish them. Someting for the engineers at Nokia to work at or what? Otherwise Greece is clearly nowadays a wellconnected European country. Vodaphone is of course here one of the telecom-companies that provides most services. Luckily all the other phone-services with Elisa in Helsinki functions well. I have checked my bankaccount, written sms and e-mail to the folks at home. In Santorini the connections were superfast, in Chora Sfakion the internetcafe-keeper explained the system somethimes gets splashed with water and has to be frequently rebooted, but otherwise everything ok...To me it is just interesting to see if, where and when you can connect to internet and write crap or no-crap on this blog...:-)